Usko, toivo, huijaus – Ryhmäteatteri

Usko, toivo, huijaus -näytelmä tarjoaa tietä onneen 
Veera Tyhtilä: Usko, toivo, huijaus – eli kuinka köyhää käytetään. Ohjaus Juha Kukkonen, lavastus Janne Siltavuori, valo- ja videosuunnittelu Ville Mäkelä, äänisuunnittelu Jussi Kärkkäinen, pukusuunnittelu Ninja Pasanen. Ensi-ilta Ryhmäteatterissa 8.2.2020.

Minna Suuronen, Santtu Karvonen ja Jutta Järvinen ©Mitro Härkönen

Päivän sana on ollut jo pitkään liki kaiken markkinointi, jopa markkinoinnin markkinointi. Tärkeintä on saada brändättyä niin tavaraa kuin ihmisiä. On vain uskottava itseensä ja asiaansa ja painettava menemään digitaalisen avaruuden antamilla avaimilla onneen.

Veera Tyhtilän Ryhmäteatterille kirjoittama Usko, toivo huijaus -näytelmä kuvaa ajankohtaista ongelmakenttää työttömyyden kurimukseen joutuvan perheen kautta. Yllättäväksi auttajaksi astuu taitava markkinoija, ja kohta Nurmisen pariskunta on jo perustanut yrityksen. Etenkin Sissi-äiti (Minna Suuronen) heittäytyy yrittämiseen niin, että teini-ikäiselle Tille-tyttärelle (Jutta Järvinen) ei enää aikaa riitä, eikä oikeastaan muullekaan.  

Näytelmä on kuin pyörivä kolmio, jonka yhtenä kulmana on Nurmisen kolmihenkinen perhe, toisena elämäänsä ihmisten huijaamisella kicksejä hankkiva Yazz Donau (Santtu Karvonen) ja kolmantena vankimielisairaalan lääkäri Hannu Vasama (Robin Svartström), joka tutkii psykopaatin toimintaa. 

Juha Kukkosen ohjaaman näytelmän tapahtumat vyöryvät niin perheen yrityskuvioiden solmujen selvittelyssä kuin tyttären yhä kasvavan yksinäisyyden kuvauksessa. Jutta Järvisen esittämä Tille katoaa yhä syvemmälle sosiaalisen median syövereihin ja sitä kautta juonikuvioon saadaan yllätyksiä. Myös Yazzilla on omat ongelmansa, joita hän selvittelee Applen Sirin kanssa. Ihmisten kanssakäymistä korvaavan sosiaalisen median lonkerot levittyvät kaikkialle ja sylkevät likaista kuvastoaan.

Tyhtilä on taustoittanut tekstiään vankisairaalan ylilääkäri Hannu Lauerman tutkimuksilla. Näytelmä purkaakin varsin paljon psykopatiaan liittyvää tietoa. Mietin paikoin, onko sitä liikaakin ja viekö se mahdollisuuden eläytyä roolihahmojen tunteisiin. 

Tapahtumat etenevät vauhdikkaasti ja näyttelijäntyö on erinomaista. Karvosen maaninen saarnaaja muuttuu hetkessä hirviöksi ja Järvisen Tillen minimalistinen kuoreensa vetäytyminen repeää rohkeaksi irtiotoksi. Suurosen Sissi kamppailee epätoivon ja innostumisen välillä uskottavasti ja Miksu-isä (Robin Svartsröm) ihmettelee villasukissaan kaikenlaista pöhinää ympärillään. Yleisilme on jatkuvan paniikin läsnäolo, kukin pyristelee neuvottomana. Loppuun saadaan yllätyskäänne, jolla avataan pelikentän tapahtumien taustaa.

Janne Siltavuoren lavastama näyttämö rakentuu läpinäkyvien pleksien muodostamien tilojen kautta. Se on kuin internet, jossa kaikki on mahdollisesti näkyvillä. Yksityisyys häviää huomaamatta ja varomaton joutuu tykityksen kohteeksi. 

Julkaistu Hämeen Sanomat 1.2.2020


  1. Jos tarvitset ammattimaista apua varastetun bitcoinin tai kryptovaluutan palauttamiseksi ja puolison puhelimen etähakkeroinnin, ota yhteyttä

  2. I am grateful for the miraculous recovery Morrison's expertise brought into my life.

    I fell victim to an internet scammer who took advantage of my trust and stole my hard-earned investment money. I was devastated and felt hopeless. However, thanks to Morrison's recovery services, I was able to recover every cent that was taken from me. Their professionalism and dedication to helping people in need truly saved me from financial ruin. I am forever grateful for their assistance and would highly recommend them to anyone facing a similar situation. Thank you,, for restoring my faith and securing my future.

  3. A Huge Relief: Morrison's Recovery Services Saved Me from Financial Ruin

    I'm writing to express my deepest gratitude to Morrison's Recovery Services for their exceptional work in recovering the large sum of money that was stolen from me by an internet scammer. I tried contacting my bank, the FBI, and other authorities, but they told me that there was little they could do to help. Feeling hopeless and frustrated, I decided to search online for recovery services that specialized in recovering stolen funds from internet scams. That's when I stumbled upon Morrison's Recovery Services. The Morrison's Recovery Services team worked tirelessly to trace the scammers' digital trail, tracking down the money and recovering a significant portion of my stolen funds. Their expertise in cryptocurrency tracing and forensic analysis was invaluable in identifying the scammers' methods and unmasking their identities. I'm deeply grateful to for their outstanding work in recovering my stolen money. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to their clients are truly remarkable. If you're a victim of an internet scam like I was, don't lose hope. can help you recover your stolen funds and restore your financial well-being.
    If you're looking for a reliable and effective recovery service that genuinely cares about its clients, look no further than Services. Their expertise in recovering stolen funds from internet scams is unparalleled.

  4. "Morrison's Recovery Services: The Go-To Solution for Online Scam Victims"

    ''I Lost $20,000 in an online investment scam. Morrison's Recovery Services not only recovered my funds but also helped me understand how to protect myself from future scams. Their dedication and knowledge made all the difference'' ''Dealing with identity theft was a nightmare until I found services. They guided me through the steps to restore my credit, reclaim my account, and prevent further damage. Their expertise and support were invaluable.''

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    My experience with Morrison's recovery services was truly remarkable. They were able to retrieve my bitcoins from an internet scammer when I thought all hope was lost. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, I was able to recover what I thought was gone forever. I highly recommend services to anyone in need of assistance with cryptocurrency recovery. They are true experts in their field.

  6. A Grateful Client's Experience with Morrison's Recovery Services

    I'm writing this testimonial to express my heartfelt gratitude to Morrison's Recovery Services for their outstanding performance in helping me recover my lost Bitcoin investment. I was a victim of an internet scam, losing $520,000 in cryptocurrency, which felt like a devastating blow both financially and emotionally. Fortunately, I came across Morrison's Recovery Services while researching options online. I decided to reach out, and from the first interaction, I felt reassured that I was in capable hands. The team at Services was not only professional but also empathetic, understanding the distress I was going through. They walked me through the entire process, explaining their strategies and the steps they would take to retrieve my funds. I appreciated their transparency and dedication, which made me feel more confident about the recovery process. Within a relatively short timeframe, I was amazed at how diligently the team worked to track down my investment. Regular updates kept me informed, and it was clear to me that they were committed to their mission. To my absolute surprise, Morrison's was able to successfully recover my $520,000 Bitcoin investment from the scammer! Words cannot express the relief and happiness I felt upon receiving my funds back. Services not only helped me regain my monetary loss but also restored my faith in the possibility of justice in the face of fraud. Their expertise, professionalism, and genuine care for their clients were evident throughout the entire process.

  7. "My stolen bitcoins, worth $15,000, that were taken by an online scammer, were returned to me thanks to Morrison's Recovery Services." I received competent and knowledgeable guidance from their team throughout the entire process while they handled my case. Their commitment changed my circumstances from when I was first plagued with hopelessness. If you ever find yourself in a similar circumstance, I highly recommend Services. I can't thank them enough for their exceptional service and support. In order to successfully navigate the frequently complicated world of online scams, they possess the necessary expertise, experience, and unwavering determination. I sincerely appreciate your priceless help in bringing back my financial tranquility,!

  8. Several months ago, I found myself in a truly distressing situation when I lost access to my Bitcoin wallet, which contained a staggering $360,000 worth of Bitcoin. The panic was overwhelming as I realized the magnitude of my loss. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to recover my funds on my own, I felt hopeless and discouraged. That’s when I came across Morrison's Recovery Services. Initially, What impressed me the most was their transparent communication throughout the entire process. They meticulously explained each step they would take to recover my Bitcoin, and I felt reassured knowing that my case was in capable hands. Their expertise in blockchain technology and digital currency recovery shone through as they navigated the complexities of my situation. Morrison's Recovery Services produced remarkable results. They were able to successfully retrieve my assets, and I was astounded at how efficiently they managed the process. The moment I received confirmation that my Bitcoins had been restored, it was a mix of relief and elation that I cannot adequately express. Thanks to Services, I have regained not only my financial investment but also my peace of mind. Their dedication, diligence, and exceptional skills in digital asset recovery are commendable. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, I wholeheartedly recommend Services. They are a beacon of hope in a challenging situation, and I am forever grateful for their assistance.


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